
Charleston County Inmate Search provides a simple way to lookup information on current and recent inmates in Charleston County, South Carolina. Our goal is to make finding basic inmate details quick and easy for the public.

We understand that having a friend or loved one incarcerated can be stressful. Our site aims to help by allowing you to search for an inmate by name or booking number and view their mugshot, charges, bail amount, and other basic details.

This information is pulled directly from the Charleston County jail and sheriff’s office databases, which are updated regularly. We simply provide an easy search interface to this public information.

Our site was created by concerned citizens who believe public inmate data should be easily accessible to all. We are not affiliated with the Charleston County government or any law enforcement agencies.

The information provided by our inmate search is intended for public informational purposes only. For official records or legal needs, please contact the appropriate Charleston County departments or authorities directly.

We strive to keep our inmate search tool updated regularly. However, information may change quickly. We recommend double checking details with official sources when needed.

Our free service is supported by ads. We hope our website assists families, friends, and the general public in finding basic inmate information quickly and conveniently. Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback on our Charleston County inmate search tool.